FYP 排圧式壓蓋機 產品簡介 Brief Introduction of the product FYP 排圧式壓蓋機采用*。該機結構簡單、選材優良、性能可靠、易操作、便維修、適用于中、小容器的塑料復合蓋和塑料防盜蓋之封口。適用于飲料、果汁、醬油、醋及食用油的灌裝容器。其zui大優勢在于異型瓶的壓蓋。該機集機、電、氣于一體。可編程控制器控制,全部動作按預定程序自動完成。 |
FY 1 Linear pressing Capping Machine is designed by Germany. It integrates mechanization, electroniaztion photoelectronics and pneumatics into one machine, It is controlled by PLC. Our machine has simple structrue, good material, high performance and easy operation & maintenance features.The machine is suitable for capping small or medium bottles with plastic complex caps, especially for capping various shaped bottles. Of soy vinegar and oil. |
| 主要技術參數: 生產能力:3000 b/h 適用瓶徑:Φ60-170 mm 適用瓶高:180-360mm 裝機容量:0.75kw 耗氣量:0.2 m3/min 外型尺寸:2000×600×2400mm 整機重量:500kg Main Specifications: Capacity:3000 b/h Appropriate bottle Size: Φ60-170 mm H=180-360mm Installation power:0.75kw Air consumption: 0.2 m3/min Dimensions: 2000×600×2400mm Gross weight: 500kg | |